This article was published in Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies Volume 7, No. 1, December 2024, pp. 287-98. It...

This article was published in Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies Volume 7, No. 1, December 2024, pp. 287-98. It...
The Modernist Long Poem: Looking Back from the 21st Century Saturday 25 October 2025 Northeastern University,...
Report of the Thirty-Ninth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Julianne Newmark The Border-Line Thursday...
Report of the Thirty-Eighth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Shirley Bricout Lawrence and Volcanoes ...
Report of the Thirty-Seventh Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group John Pateman Lawrence and Bolshevism ...
The following article is the pre-edited version of a chapter in Cultures of London: Legacies of Migration edited by...
Report of the Thirty-Sixth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Blake Matich An Unprofessional Lecture: Anaïs...
Report of the Thirty-Fifth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Robert Bullock The Rest of the Road to Vence:...
Report of the Thirty-Fourth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Terry Gifford Lawrence, Sardinia and Ecology...
Report of the Thirty-Third Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Philip Chester Tit & Tat: A Tale of...
Report of the Thirty-Second Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Tina Ferris Windows Imagery in D. H. Lawrence's...
Report of the Thirty-First Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Shirley Bricout Rock Imagery in...
Report of the Thirtieth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Catherine Brown A Walking Tour of Lawrence's...
Report of the Twenty-Ninth meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Robert Bullock The Road to Vence 1928-1929...
Report of the Twenty-Eighth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Maria Trejling Flickering Figures:...
This paper was delivered at the 30th international scientific conference, ‘The Historical Past and the Present in...
Report of the Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Jim Phelps ‘Whether or Not?’ ...
Report of the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Axel Englund A Musical Self? On...
Report of the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group SHIRLEY BRICOUT WITH CATHERINE...
Report of the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group The real ‘Young Russian’: the daughter of...
Report of the Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Audra Belmore, Shirley Bricout,...
Report of the Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Michael Bell Lawrence and...
Report of the Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Jane Costin The Sculptor and the Novelist...
Report of the Twentieth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Shirley Bricout D. H. Lawrence and...
Report of the Nineteenth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Simonetta de Filippis Genre...
The following short letter to Prospect magazine to Freya Johnston's review of Frances Wilson's 2021 biography of D. H....
Report of the Seventeenth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Glyn Bailey and Colleagues Learning...
Report of the Fifteenth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group A Group Reading of Touch and Go ...
This post was written for the Vegan Society Researcher Network blog, where it may be found here. It appears...
I recently contributed to a thread on the literary blog of Russian translator and biographer Patrick Miles,...
I was interviewed about D.H. Lawrence for a 48-minute Sky Arts documentary (with Odyssey Television) about D.H....
Report of the Thirteenth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Anthony Pacitto A Sense of Ancient Gods ...
‘A life of illness and resilience: Reflections on Lawrence’s letters in a time of pandemic’ Saturday...
Lawrencian sisters... co-editors Susan Reid and Catherine Brown INTRODUCTION On November 28th,...
Report of the Eleventh Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group The D. H. Lawrence Memory Theatre: James...
The following paper was delivered to the DH Lawrence Society in Eastwood on 14th October 2020. ...
Report of the Tenth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Adam Lang Sea and Sardinia and the Spirit of...
Report of the Ninth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Catherine Brown Lawrence's Short Stories...
Report of the Eighth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Catherine Brown Lawrence, Illness, and...
I was interviewed about Charles Dickens, George Eliot and D. H. Lawrence for two of the three hour-long...
I was interviewed about Lady Chatterley's Lover for a one-hour ARTE French documentary about the novel's...
The following account is by Eve Leadbeater, a friend of my parents and me, who once met D. H. Lawrence's...
I was commissioned to write the following review of the 2019 D. H. Lawrence conference at the University...
Report of the Sixth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Dudley Nichols Lawrencian Locations ...
Report of the Fifth Meeting of the London D. H. Lawrence Group Marina Ragachevskaya Minsk State...
This article was written for What follows is my pre-edited draft. The final article may be read...
I have just reviewed Mud and Stars: Travels In Russia with Pushkin and Other Geniuses Of The Golden Age by Sara...
The following paper was given at the 33rd annual international DH Lawrence conference held at the University of...
The following article was commissioned by IAI (Institute of Arts and Ideas), and published March 15th 2019; the...
The following is a pre-edited version of a review which was published in Prospect magazine, March 15th, 2019. ...
Bernard Richards – Emeritus Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford, who taught English at the College between 1972 and...
Bernard Richards - Emeritus Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford, who taught English at the College between 1972 and...
The following is a pre-edited version of a review which appears in DH Lawrence Review (the DH Lawrence Journal of...
I gave the following speech on the occasion of the 190th anniversary of Lev Tolstoy's birth, 9th September 2018, to a...
KOLYMA STORIES Translated and introduced by Donald Rayfield, New York: New York Review of Books, 2018, £14.99, 741 pp....
BBC Radio 4 programme ‘Front Row'. Broadcast Wednesday January 16th 2019, 7.15 pm. Interviewed by presenter Samira...
Teffi: A Life of Letters and of Laughter Edythe Haber £20 (London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 2018 UK, 2019 US), 288...
The opening of Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928) This report was written for the D.H. Lawrence Society Newsletter,...
The walking tours for which the notes appear below were written by me and delivered during the...
This article was commissioned by an published on the website of IAI - the Institute of Arts and Ideas. It may...
A Shade on the Sea Floor An Interview with Jaya Savige about Derek Walcott (1930-2017) by Dr. Catherine Brown Thursday...
It was 2001 and I was as footloose as I have ever been. Footlooser than I ever want to be again. I threw...
Carnivore, Jonathan Lyon, HR, HarperCollins (London, 2017) The following review was published...
This was written in response to the title question as posed by The Question, an online forum on which experts...
This is a transcript of a live interview made on 4th March 2017 with David Shackleton of FIVE BOOKS. Five...
This review appeared in Standpoint in December/January 2016/17 John Stubbs, Jonathan Swift: The...
This review appeared in the Journal of D.H. Lawrence Studies, January 2017 The Theatre of D.H. Lawrence:...
This review appeared in Essays in Criticism (2016) 66 (3): 383-389 The Annotated Wuthering Heights. Edited by Janet...
I am rereading Graham Greene’s 1966 novel The Comedians, which I first read as an earnest fifteen-year-old...
Last autumn/winter BBC1 produced two great adaptations of mid-twentieth century British literary smash-hits....
I have recently read In Defence of Dogs (Penguin 2012, 324 pp.) by John Bradshaw, biologist and...
The following is a pre-edited version of a review published here in the May 2016 issue of The Literary Review. ...
Review of the Novel Maestra, by L.S. Hilton The review that appears below is a pre-edited version of an...
I was script consultant to Jed Mercurio in his adaptation for Lady Chatterley's Lover - 90 minutes aired on BBC1 on...
2016, 338 pp, Whitefox Publishing Last Tuesday a novel was launched in Carmelite Chambers. Trust its...
This article was published in Standpoint magazine on 24th September 2015. What follows is a pre-edited draft. ...
This article was published in The Independent on Sunday 30th August 2015. The following is a pre-edited text. ...
To own a Penguin 1960 copy of Lady Chatterley’s Lover is to own a piece of history - a copy of the book which...
Letters to Véra Vladimir Nabokov Edited and translated by Olga Voronina and Brian Boyd Penguin Classics, 2014, 798...
This article was published in the Newsletter of the D.H. Lawrence Society December 2014 ‘There is’,...
This article, of which an unedited version appears below, was published as ‘Our Love Affair with Anna Karenina’...
Matthew Dennison, Behind the Mask: The Life of Vita Sackville-West, William Collins, 2014, 364 pp., £25 This...
Teffi, Subtly Worded, Pushkin Press, 2014, 303 pp., £12 paperback Intro. Anne Marie Jackson. Translations by Anne...
Trans. and ed. Michael R. Katz, foreword by Ekaterina Tolstaya, afterword by Andrey Tolstoy Yale University...
Published by 4th Estate, 2014 This review appeared in the November 2014 edition Prospect magazine. The title...
Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy, trans. Rosamund Bartlett (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), 847 pp, £18.99 [N.B....
Below is the pre-edited version of a review which appeared in Literary Review, September 2014, pp. 8-10. The Poems:...
Three women who loved Lawrence Dorothy Brett, Frieda Lawrence, Mabel Dodge Luhan 1938, New Mexico A couple of years...
This Telegraph article responds to the furore surrounding the decision of various GCSE boards -...
This Financial Times article describes my experience of filming 'Journey without Shame', a BBC2 Culture...
This Financial Times article looks at the place of the Caucasus in the Russian cultural imagination over the...
This review was published in Essays in Criticism, 60 (2010), 189-96, and appears here as a pre-edited version. Summary...
This review was published in 'The D.H. Lawrence Newsletter' no. 89, Spring/Summer 2011, 12-18, and is made available...
This review was published in Translation and Literature, No. 20: 3, 2011, 397-403, and is reproduced here in a...
This review was published in the Journal of the D.H. Lawrence Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2013), 179-188, and is...
This sixty minute BBC2 Culture Show special concerns D.H. Lawrence's 'honeymoon' journey with Frieda...
This review was published in the 'Newsletter of the D.H. Lawrence Society', December 2013, and is reproduced by kind...