The Group operates as part of the D.H. Lawrence Society of the UK. The Society’s meetings take place for the most part in Lawrence’s home town of Eastwood near Nottingham. This Group was set up by Catherine Brown (a Vice-President of the D.H. Lawrence Society) as an extension of the Society’s activities in the South of England. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, however, most of its meetings have been on Zoom, and its membership and attendance are international. A few meetings per year, however, are in-person, and take place in or near London. Members of the Group are encouraged to (but are not required to) join the Society. Like the main Eastwood Society, the London group meets monthly during the academic year in order to discuss Lawrence’s works.   No prior knowledge of Lawrence is needed in order to attend meetings, though readings are often set in advance, and members are encouraged to read them. Many of the current members are academics or students; many are not. ‘Membership’ consists simply of having one’s email on the group’s email list, and in coming whenever one would like to and can; but all members are encouraged to become members of the D. H. Lawrence Society, based in Lawrence’s home town of Eastwood.   A previous London Lawrence group existed between 1988 and 1992 and, like the current one between September 2019 and March 2020, met in Bloomsbury. Members of the current Group who were also members of the former one include Jane and Dudley Nichols and Stephen Alexander.   Activities of the current Group may include hearing a presentation by a member, followed by a discussion; reading Lawrence’s works out loud; watching film adaptations of Lawrence works; visiting relevant places; and social events.

Dates: Meetings are on a Thursday or Friday, in the last week of each month, between October and June. For dates for the current year, see ‘Programme’ in the side bar to the left.

Time:   18.30-20.00 UK time

Email me, Catherine Brown, at catherinelawrencelondon@gmail.com, in order to be added to the Group’s email list.

All meetings are written up by me (Catherine) unless otherwise stated.

Catherine Brown