The D.H. Lawrence London Group was founded by Catherine Brown in 2019 as a South of England offshoot of the U.K. D. H. Lawrence Society (London being more accessible to them than Eastwood, where the main society is based).

In 2020 Covid intervened, and since then almost all of its meetings have been held on Zoom, rendering its ‘London’ title historical. However, on occasion the group meets in person at sites of Lawrencian relevance in the South of England.

The D. H. Lawrence London Group’s monthly Zoom meetings are attended by people interested in Lawrence from all over the world — enthusiasts and experts, academic and non-academic. Though its members are often encouraged to read a work or works by or about Lawrence in advance of a given meeting, it is not necessary to have done so. Nor is any commitment required.

A previous London Lawrence group existed between 1988 and 1992 and met, where the London Lawrence group was founded, in Bloomsbury. Several members of the current Group were members of the former one.

Join the D.H. Lawrence Group

Membership consists simply of having one’s email on the group’s email list, and in coming whenever one would like to and can. In order to be added to the mailing list, please email me directly by clicking below.

Members are not required, but they are encouraged, to join the D.H. Lawrence Society, of which this group is part. The timing of meetings over the course of the year is arranged so that in any month at least one online meeting is provided by either the D. H. Lawrence Society, or the London Lawrence Group, or (in February and April) both. 

The meetings typically start with a presentation of 20–60 minutes by a member, followed by a discussion in which everyone is welcome to participate. Alternative formats include watching adaptations of Lawrence’s work, and reading his works out loud.

All of the meetings are written up by me, Catherine Brown; please see links to the write-ups of past meetings below.


Link shared in the email advertising each meeting.


The last Thursday or Friday of February, April, June, July, August and December. 
For dates for the current academic year, see Programme below.


18.30–20.00 UK time
(Greenwich Meantime in winter; British Summer Time in summer)

Programme 2024/25


April 25th

Bernard Richards

‘Henry James and D. H. Lawrence: Perspectives on the English Country House’

May 22nd

Nicholas Royle

‘Second Best’

June 26th

Dudley Nichols

‘The War Years – People and Places’

July 24th

Terry Gifford

‘Reading DH Lawrence in the Anthropocene’

December 18th or 19th

Philip Chester and others

‘The Rocking-Horse Winner’


February 26th or 27th

Howard Booth


April 23rd or 24th



July 23rd or 24th



August 27th or 28th



September 24th or 25th



December 17th or 18th


