This paper was delivered at the 30th international scientific conference, ‘The Historical Past and the Present in...
Lectures and Papers
D.H. Lawrence, the Grand Inquisitor, and Fascism
The following paper was delivered at the (online) 34th annual international D. H. Lawrence Conference 'Lawrence and...
D. H. Lawrence and Guns
The following short paper was delivered at the international virtual symposium 'D. H. Lawrence: Distance and...
D. H. Lawrence and the Sense of Scale
The following paper was delivered to the DH Lawrence Society in Eastwood on 14th October 2020. ...
Finding ‘God’ in DH Lawrence’s Poetry
The following talk was given in Eastwood, England, on Saturday 15th June 2019, at the third annual 'DH Lawrence...
Revisiting Tolstoy’s ‘On Shakespeare and on Drama’
This paper was given at an international conference on Lev Tolstoy hosted by Tula University on the occasion of...
The Torture Debate, ’24’, and ‘Zero Dark Thirty’
Versions of the following lecture were given annually as a lecture at New College of Humanities, on the Applied Ethics...
Describing the Unobserved: Literature and the World without Humans
This is the text of a talk that was given in February 2013 to the Ottoline Society – the academic discussion...
DH Lawrence and Brexit
The following talk was given at the British Council in Paris on Wednesday 22nd May 2019, on the occasion of the...
How is Studying English Transformational?
On 13.2.2018 a number of New College of the Humanities academics participated in a conference on the...
Are DH Lawrence’s ‘Pansies’ Poetry?
The following paper was delivered at a public colloquium on DH Lawrence's Poetry held at Eastwood,...
Screening ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ in 2015
The following was given as a paper at the 2015 D.H. Lawrence Conference at the University of Nanterre, Paris....
Lawrence, Darwin and Genre
The following was given as a paper at the 2018 D.H. Lawrence Conference at the University of Nanterre, Paris,...
D.H. Lawrence and Ivan Karamazov’s Grand Inquisitor’s Christ
This is the text of a lecture that I gave to the D.H. Lawrence Society at Moorgreen near Eastwood, UK, on 11th...
Russia in Anglophone Twenty-First Century Fiction
This lecture was given at Rewley House, the Department of Continuing Education at the University of Oxford, on...
Anglo-German Relations and D.H. Lawrence’s ‘All of Us’
D.H. LAWRENCE BIRTHDAY LECTURE 2014 Eastwood, 11th September, 2014 Dr. Catherine Brown I need to preface this...
‘Snowdrops’ and the English Expatriate in Russia
This informal paper concerning AD Miller's 2011 Booker-shortlisted novel set in Moscow in 2003 discusses the position...
Howard Jacobson and Anti-Semitism
This lecture concentrates on Kalooki Nights, The Finkler Question, and Zoo Time by likening each to a Jewish Museum,...